Syam K S, the SEO Expert in Kerala

Hello, I'm Syam K S, the founder and CEO of Brain Cyber Solutions. I am one of the most experienced SEO professionals in Kochi, Kerala. If you are reading this, I expect you are running a business and planning to increase its online sales or enquiries. Or may be planning to increase your brand value or learn something new.

Yes, you are in the correct direction. Search Engine Optimization is the perfect way to achieve those goals.As an SEO expert in Kerala who started my career in 2005, I hope I can break the ice for you. Let me tell you about my SEO experience in detail.

Photo of Syam K S, the SEO expert in Kerala

I have
Years of Experience

I have created
Social Media Marketing Strategies

I completed
Website Auditing Works

I completed
Website SEO Projects

How I became an SEO professional?

Becoming an SEO Expert :My Journey and Insights

2000 : My College Project

I created my first website in 2000 as my college project. Since then my passion towards websites started. The website was created using ASP programming language, and I still remember it as a portal with features like chat and email capabilities.

2001 : Bangalore Days

From 2001, I was in Bangalore as a SAP ABAP Technical consultant. But my passion towards websites never dropped and I started making websites in my free time. I was researching how to get those websites to the top of Google because back then there weren't as many resources to learn that time.

2005 : My first website

In 2005, I started my own blog in the technology niche and started my SEO journey. The website was a bigger success than I thought, and more than 10,000 people visit it daily from Google searches.

2006 : Earnings from website

In the beginning, I didn't know how to monetize my website's traffic, and there weren't as many resources for earning options as there are today. Later, I got a Google AdSense account and started using it on my website.

2007 : Bye Bye Bangalore

The results from that were very promising, and after a while, my income from my website was more than my salary per month. So I left Bangalore and came back to Kochi, Kerala.

2007 : Brain Cyber Solutions

In the middle of 2007, I founded Brain Cyber Solutions in Ernakulam with a team of 5 staff. Initially, we offered services like website development, designing, web hosting, SEO consultancy service, Digital Marketing consultancy etc.

2009 : Clients from US & UK

In 2009, I formed a strategic alliance with two overseas software companies. Through them, I started receiving numerous SEO projects from the US and European countries, including the UK. By consistently delivering excellent results, I quickly gained a reputation as an SEO expert among them.

2014 : Online Distributed company

By 2014, Brain Cyber Solutions had transformed into a fully remote company, staffed entirely by experienced freelancers in remote work. We involved over 60 freelancers with diverse expertise, including content writers, designers, social media marketers, search engine marketers, SEO specialists, website developers etc.

2023 : SEO / Digital Marketing Course

From 2021, I trained in digital marketing at Infopark and Smart City. Now, I'm recognized as both an SEO expert and an effective digital marketing trainer. My primary goal is to cultivate high-quality SEO professionals in Kerala by sharing my experience and knowledge.

How do I approach SEO as an experienced expert?

Now I am one of the most experienced SEO experts in the world with more than 18 years of experience. I have traveled through each and every change of Google & their ranking algorithm.

I like to undertake challenging tasks and many of the works that come to me are works that other SEO professionals have tried and failed to do.

I am a Btech computer science graduate with strong programming skills. It helped a lot in my SEO career. We need to know bit technical things for wordpress, server management, programmatic SEO, page speed optimization. My knowledge in PHP, HTML/CSS etc also helped me a lot to be an SEO expert in Kerala.

As per my knowledge, there is no single formula to do SEO in websites. Way of doing SEO will vary based on the niche, geography, nature of business like factors. So first I will study the client’s business and their customer behavior properly. Along with this, proper competitor analysis is also required. Based on all these studies, I prepare a long term strategy for the website.

You must have heard that “Content is the king”. Yes it's true. Without high quality content which satisfies the user intent we cannot do anything.

An SEO Professional standing image

SEO Services I provide

Varieties of SEO Projects I've Tackled as an SEO Expert

Website Auditing

I have performed auditing services for over 200 websites, and my method involves manual scrutiny of everything rather than completely depending on online tools.

Technical SEO

For ranking in search engines, many things have to be done technically on the website, for example, the speed of the website, the loading on mobile, SSL certificate, the structure of the website, etc.

Programmatic SEO

Often large websites have to dynamically create pages etc. in order to rank for a large number of keywords.Programmatic SEO is an area I am very passionate about as a developer.

Local SEO

Every business needs to increase the visibility of their business in their service area. Local SEO is where we increase this visibility by adding to Google Business Listings, optimizing it, adding to various other local directories, and many other methods.

Content Research

Good content is essential for websites to rank in search engines. Content research involves activities such as identifying the topic, understanding the intent, determining content length, and deciding on the writing style etc.

E-commerce SEO

This Commerce SEO comes with everything that online stores need to get good visibility and traffic in search engines and thus increase their sales & business. WooCommerce & shopify are the most popular SEO friendly e-commerce platforms.

Wordpress Customization

Wordpress is the most used platform to buld websites. WordPress is the most used platform to build websites. In some scenarios we need to do some customization in WordPress platform for our SEO purpose. As a developer as well as an SEO expert, I have managed several website's WordPress customization.

Page Speed Optimization

A website's page speed is one of the most important factors in search engine ranking. There are many free page speed test tools to evaluate our website's speed performance. We need to take care of many things to improve our website's speed. As an SEO expert, it is one of my strong areas.

Recovering the Websites

Many websites get compromised without any maintenance or proper security updates. Some other websites lose their search traffic due to a drop in their SERP due to several factors. I have undertaken several projects to recover these types of websites and bring them back to their good performance levels.

How you can become an SEO expert?

To become an SEO expert, you need to thoroughly understand Google indexing and ranking behaviors, user experience and expectations, and advanced analysis and analytics. Here are some advanced concepts that you should be aware of to become an SEO expert

Google Algorithm Updates

Google updates its algorithm very frequently. Every SEO expert should continuously monitor these updates and try to decode the changes. Information gain score, E-E-A-T, and product reviews are some of the updates they have implemented recently in their algorithm.

Check Google Algorithm Updates

Content-led SEO

Google is always trying to provide the best results for their users. When someone searches on Google, their system will try to identify the real intent of the user and show the best available results. Content is always the king in SEO.

You should know how to prepare a proper content strategy to become an SEO expert. Content strategy involves understanding the niche, context, user pain points, answering questions, etc. Content should also be arranged in a manner that engages users.

Product-led SEO

Product-led SEO is the best option for SaaS model business websites. Instead of traditional keyword-related research and blog posts, product-led SEO requires more research on the product, use cases, user-generated content (UGC), etc.

There are many techniques involved in this type of SEO approach, including programmatic SEO. It depends on the product niche and the inventory of data. Here is a small list of companies that have succeeded using product-led SEO. Please research these to become an SEO specialist for SaaS model businesses.

  • Forbes
  • Canva
  • Canva
  • Figma
  • Zapier

Page Speed Optimization

From my point of view, 60% of SEO professionals don't know how to improve the page speed score. It needs a bit of technical knowledge. Page speed is very important for websites. Not only for Google ranking, but it is also good for high user engagement and lower cost per acquisition. As an SEO expert, you should know thoroughly about the core web vitals and how to increase the score.

Google PageSpeed Insights

Looker Studio

Data analysis is very important for ongoing SEO. Looker Studio is an online tool from Google that allows you to create customized reports and interfaces. By combining data from various sources like Google Search Console and GA4, you can gain more insights into your website traffic. To become an SEO specialist, you should be a good data analyst too.

Looker Studio

What are the tools and platforms I use for my digital marketing projects?

We need the help of many tools and platforms to accomplish our digital marketing projects. For example, in SEO, we need tools for competitor analysis, content plagiarism checking, and backlink checking. Nowadays, we also need to check AI-generated content. Here are some of the tools I use.

Google Ads
For advertisements

Meta Ads
For advertisements

Linkedin Ads
For advertisements

For websites

For Ecommerce

For Ecommerce

For Analytics

Microsoft Clarity
For Analytics

Google Tag Manager
For Tracking

Google Search Console
For Analytics

For Email Marketing

For Whatsapp Messaging

For Social Media Management

For Graphic Designing

For Competitor Analysis

SEO Certifications & Awards

It's a good practice to obtain certifications and engage in upskilling to become an expert in the industry. Here are some of the certifications I have.

Some Statistics about my Works

My Online Classes : Youtube

NameSyam K S
Job RoleCEO, SEO Trainer & Specialist
Mobile+91 9847299847

Want to know more?

Explore my expertise and advice as an SEO expert

Important tools I used as an SEO expert I use several tools while doing SEO work. Here are some of the important tools for your reference.
  • Google Search Console
  • Google Analytics 4
  • Google Page Speed Test
  • Google Mobile-Friendly Test
  • Google Trends
  • Google Keyword Planner tool
  • Google Schema Validator
  • Google Disavow tool
  • Microsoft Clarity
  • Semrush: competitor analysis
  • Ahref: Backlink Checker
  • Ahref: Broken link checker
  • Moz Authority Checker
  • Copyscape plagiarism checker
  • Webfx Keyword Density Checker
Why Your Business Needs an SEO Expert in Kerala? If you are a business owner in Kerala, you will get the following advantages from hiring an expert in SEO from Kerala:
  • Local awareness : Because they are from Kerala itself, they will have a clear picture of the Kerala market and the local search behavior.
  • Uptodate : They will be more up-to-date about the latest trends and your business niche than experts from other places.
  • Speedy Support: Communication and support will be more effective. Comparatively, SEO experts from Kerala are highly professional and competitive in their pricing.
Am I the best SEO expert in Kerala? I like to hear it as one of the best SEO experts. There are several good SEO professionals in Kerala. My belief is that to become an expert, experience is not a must. Expertization with experience is a winning combination. That's the main reason behind my success. So I can never say that I am the best among them. Instead, I like to say that I am one of them.
How to become an SEO expert?

The primary skill required to become a search engine optimization expert is the ability to search the internet. Because every time we search the internet to learn something, we learn not only that thing but also many new things related to it.

It is a very dynamically changing field. Therefore, staying up-to-date is very important to succeed in this field.

Another thing to say to the professionals is that without looking for crooked ways to rank our websites, we should understand our customers' businesses and the user’s search intent and take time to create a website of good quality.

How AI is going to impact Search Engine Optimization field & professionals in coming years?

Artificial intelligence has begun to influence not only SEO but also every sector in the world. From 2024 on, AI will be used more and more in a very strong way.

AI is going to help SEO professionals in their content analysis, keyword research, competitor analysis, website auditing, etc. It will also help search engine users find the best results in a short time.

So I think the scope of SEO will increase, and the demand for experts will rise in the future.

Suggest Some plugins for Wordpress SEO

There are several Wordpress plugins available for each and every functionality. What I also suggest is to avoid as many plugins as possible for better WordPress website performance. Try to use one SEO plugin and one cache plugin to improve your search engine visibility.

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