PNG to WebP converter

Free & easy online tool to convert PNG image files to latest WebP image format. Converter will convert the uploaded png image files to 20 WebP images with different quality and file size. You can download the desired file with optimized quality and size. Make sure to download the image with lower size & without quality loss. We recommend to download the WebP images with our green color Download button for better Google page speed score optimization. If you are looking for converting your JPG images to WebP, use our JPG to WebP Converter and for compressing a png image use our PNG compressor.

Upload .png file
PNG image to WebP converter - Free online tool

Advantages of converting PNG files to WebP files

  1. WebP provides quality images in lower size than PNG files.
  2. Can Reduce the PNG image file size by converting it into WebP format.
  3. It will increase the Google Page Speed Score dramatically.
  4. WebP will work for both lossy compression and lossless compression techniques.
  5. Better Search Engine Rankings due to reduced page size & lower page load time.

FAQs About WebP Converter

Is there any charge for your PNG to WebP Converter?
No. It is a 100% free tool. You can use this tool without any charge.
Do I need to create account for using your PNG to WebP Converter?
No. You dont need to create account in our website. You can use this coverter straight from the page.
Is there any usage limit for using your PNG to WebP Converter?
No. Currently there is no daily usage limit for our WebP converter tool.
What is the maximum file size of PNG image supoported by your WebP Converter?
10MB. Currently we support upto 10MB PNG files for the conversion
Do you add any watermark on the converted image?
No. We won't add any watermark or any other things in your converted image. It is a 100% free software.